Since over 20 years Hansenhof_electronic is engaged with mobile sensor systems and applications in agriculture, since more than 10 years with its own portal Odokus as one of the leading experts and vendors in today’s agricultural data acquisition, data logging and monitoring/visualization. Furthermore Steffen Schmieder gained experiences in agricultural experimental research. Hansenhof strongly participates in standardizing movements of agricultural data within the ISOBUS and AEF (Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation) to ensure sustainable products for all customers – manufacturers as well as end users.
Contribution to PLANTaR
Based on our knowledge in Precision Agriculture, Hansenhof is responsible for UseCase 3 – (large scale) precision arable farming. This includes developing and establishing the gateways to transfer the sensor data to the Odokus server system. The data will be stored and visualized, then processed to application tasks and exchanged with expert systems, FMIS and mobile devices on the field, always observing the compliance with existing standards. It will be started with a non-biodegradable version of the sensor nodes for the first tests. In a later project phase, when the fully biodegradable sensor nodes are available, we will switch to use them. The 3 German (sub-)use cases in potatoes, brewing barley and liquid manure application in drinking water catchment areas are supervised by Hansenhof.